Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I Kissed Facebook Goodbye


Before I write this post, allow me to make myself clear that I have nothing against Facebook nor hate the social networking site. This is a personal preference and I just want to share it in this blog. Thank you.

Deleting a Facebook account is a hard thing to do. It takes a leap of faith. Facebook, for me, became a comfort zone, which I don't really want to happen. Here are some reasons why I deleted my Facebook account:

1. Reunions became mediocre. I missed the feeling of missing someone. Take my aunt for example. She's been living in the states for like my entire lifetime. When she calls here before, everyone else loves to talk to her, to cherish the minutes, even seconds of the conversation, knowing that it is very limited. It is synonymous to cherishing every dollar she spent just for her to call us. Poof, then there came Facebook, she's online most of the time, but we never bothered to say Hi to her, because she was just there. At any minute, we can talk to her. The thrill of missing her, was just gone. Another examples are class reunions. Seeing someone change physically for how many years makes us excited. But with Facebook, or any other social networking site, we can already see what they look like. No thrill, no excitement, just plain dull reunions.

2. Privacy. Yes, privacy is still important. I remembered a friend of mine who wanted to go to a certain event with us, but she was hesitant because she was afraid that pictures will be posted, and some might "condemn" her for joining us.
One time, I posted a picture of my friends, dating. I did not know that the relationship was private. They texted me to remove the pictures as soon as possible. I feel sorry about it and it almost ruined a friendship.

3. Word wars are easily created. Some people use the site to indirectly hurt a certain person. Some people I know used it as a form of revenge to her ex bf/gf. I myself had a word war experience at Facebook. It ruined a relationship instead of "connecting" them.

4. Facebook, when misused can cause us to brag about the things happening in our lives. Guilty? I am. "Currently at Starbucks" status or posting pictures while in a social party, are few examples I consider under the "bragging" category.

5. It steals away my time alone with God. This is the heaviest of the reasons why I deleted my account. No explanations needed. I missed God, a lot. Instead of meditating, I spend time looking for some things which cannot satisfy. Some can even cause stress.

I just want out of Facebook. I want my private life back, (of course, this blog is an exemption). I want my quiet time back. To you, dear reader, I don't encourage you to delete your Facebook account. This networking site can also inspire us or it can be a tool in fulfilling the "Great Commission"... but always remember, that moderation is always the key.

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