Friday, August 13, 2010

Do Hard Things

God has His own timing. He gives us what we desire whenever we need it the most. Sometimes it may lead to frustrations, but in the long run, you'll appreciate the answer to the question "why?".

Every time I take cash out from my ATM, I often go to bookstores to scan on the new books and to buy some of them. One time, I saw this little red book, entitled DO HARD THINGS with pictures of two young adults at the back cover. I really cant understand what the book is all about and while scanning it, I saw the word "teens" in most of the pages. I put it back in the shelf thinking that it is not much of a use, especially, I am not a teen anymore.

After a couple of weeks, I visited another book store to, of course look for some new books. That time I bought a magazine featuring real cool office desks of famous people in the country, and while I was at the counter to pay the mag, one of the cashiers handed me a newsletter about the latest happenings in the Christian World--the latest concerts, the latest books, and some testimonies. I've read the newsletter, and Alas! the book DO HARD THINGS was one of the featured books. I read the preview and there I've learned what the book is all about.

DO HARD THINGS is a book about people wanting change and teens rebelling against rebellion. It is also about their group called "The Rebelutionaries". So I was inspired by the book, and it gave me an idea to create a blog and to call it "The Royal Rebellion". In my version, I focused more on what God tells us who we really are and not to follow the standards of this world. But I failed to practice what I preach (you know that feeling right?) and I failed to really "rebel" and had forgotten the major reason why I wrote--to glorify God.

Still, I did not availed the book. My mindset then's still for teens.

Ok. After a while, I gave the book a chance and bought it. I've read it and slowly, It was like reading my life story. Some of the realities mentioned in the book really hurts, but only the acceptance to such realities can lead us out of complacency and to lead us to life of excellence. It is only by doing Hard Things that we expand our comfort zones and to meet the potentials God has in store for us.

Now this new blog of mine will not just be my journey, but its everybody's journey out of complacency and mediocrity.

To Alex and Brett Harris, authors of the book Do Hard Things, you are inspiring a lot of teens and young adults around the world. Keep it up and thanks for spreading the gospel in a very cool way.


  1. Wow, may this new blog creates more followers. Count me in! I love the header. I'll follow this one!

  2. Thanks I found it. I love your book reviews and personal reflections.
